Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sick Puppy and injury

So I am going to be slowing down on my stash down.  I have been having some issues with pain in my arm and neck so I need to slow down my knitting for awhile.  I am going to try and finish my Hedera before the end of the month but we will see.

Also we got some bad news about our 4 year old Cockapoo Ellie.  It turns out she has calcification in her lower spine and is in a fair amount of pain.  We thought she was having gastro issues all along because she has had other gastro symptoms but it turns out it was her back.  She is on anti-inflamatories now so hopefully that helps.  We might try some holistic medicine and see if that helps.

Hopefully things start to look up soon!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

March . . . finishitupitis

So March is my official finish-up month.  I am going to try and finish 5 projects that I had started prior to this stashdown.  I am finding it hard to complete my stashdown projects while I want to work on these projects.

So the projects I want to finish are:

Blackberry cowl - sew on buttons
Abalone - only have the edging and blocking to do
Meta Mittens - halfway through first mitten
Pirate Sheldon - working on shell
Citron - 1/3 done

It will feel really good to get these projects done!

I am also going to start my Christmas knitting soon and will incorporate that into my stashdown challenge.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Forgot to put that in my last post! Dh likes to do little romantic things for me all year round but today he sent a bouquet of chocolate covered strawberries to my work! They are delicious!

Finish it up March?

Ok so I know I haven't been doing my stash down for long but I am in serious need of finishing month. Rules are that I can't cast on anything new until I finish 5 projects. I really need that!  I will post which projects I plan on finishing at the end of this month!

Friday, February 11, 2011


I just love the way this looks in a cake!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hubby's Vday gift

Last year it was the Turn a Square hat. This year im making a simple neckwarmer out of yummy Malabrigo Rios. River City Yarns just got some in so I went in and got a hank.  It is so soft and lucious. My hubby is going to like this! 

There are some other surprises too ;)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February Stashdown

So I have changed my selections for my stash down this month.  Yes I know I am bad but I got the newsletter from Ewe Asked for it and in December they will be collecting hats and mittens for kids in need from local schools.  So I am going to focus on making childrens hats and mittens for my charity knitting.

So my February projects will be:

Hedera from Knit. Sock. Love - Stroll Tonal in Queen Anne
Pescovegetarian Beanie - Swish Bulky in Blackberry - Charity

I had to frog my Hedera and re-start so I am going to use it for my Feb Stashdown!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stashdown results - January

I finished both projects!  Well kind of . . . . I went on a trip to San Antonio this month and planned to knit my charity project on the plane.  Well the pattern didn't work out so I ended up doing a basic neck warmer with some ribbing and plain stockinette.  It turned out really well but it wasnt the pattern that I had chosen.  The yarn and needles that I had ended up having too many holes from the knit in the back loop. So to make it warmer I decided to do a plain neck warmer.

But I finished both projects!

Pictures will follow later today!

February Projects!

Self-designed cowl out of Diamond Fine DK Merino Superwash in black
Turn a Square Hat out of Cascade 220 (colors not chosen yet) - Charity Knit

I also have to finish my Hedera for the Knit. Sock. Love group KAL!

Going to be a busy month!